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October 31, 2016

Voters for the Next Generation

Be a Voter for the Next Generation

The outcome of the November political election will have lasting effects on the health of our planet and the wellbeing of future generations. In our 2016 Voters for the Next Generation blog post series, we're highlighting issues that need your voice to create a better, more sustainable world.

Here are the issues that we believe are critically important to the heath of our children, our planet, and future generations. Now more than ever, these issues need your voice.

  • Safer Chemical Reform

    Potentially concerning chemicals can be found in a variety of places—in cosmetics, cookware, vinyl blinds, carpeting, and furniture. Some of these chemicals may pose impacts to public health and the environment because they do not break down in the environment and they may build up in the food chain and the human body The Toxic Substances Control Act was updated in 2016 to give the EPA broader powers to impose fees to regulate chemicals. Still, more needs to be done.
    Learn more and find out what's happening in your state

  • Ingredient Disclosure

    Companies producing household cleaning products are not required by law to print a full list of ingredients on their packaging. We believe consumers have the right to know what's in the products they buy so they can choose what to use around their homes and families. The Cleaning Product Right to Know Act will do exactly that, but first the bill must be passed.
    Understand the Cleaning Products Right to Know Act and contact your Representative

  • Climate Change

    Any way you look at it, the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, transportation, and manufacturing is unhealthy to people and the planet. To meet our commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement, we need action from across the globe by leaders, businesses, and citizens. We must demand that our elected officials take a stand and find proactive solutions to address climate change. Our future depends on it.
    Understand the issue and find out your candidate's position on energy and environmental policy

  • Family Friendly Workplace

    More than two decades after the Family and Medical Leave Act was signed into law, employees across the United States still often face impossible choices between their family and their job. The Family And Medical Insurance Leave (FAMILY) Act, which will be reintroduced in early 2017, would create a national paid family and medical leave insurance program for all employees. Paid leave must be a national priority to help our economy, our workforce, and above all, our families.
    Understand the issue and find out where your candidate stands on family leave

Be a voter this November 8.

Commit to voting this year. Make a plan right now for getting to the polling booth. Set an appointment reminder on your phone. Your vote matters.

Find your polling place and see who's on the docket.