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Our 2021 Climate Impact Full Disclosure

Our 2021 Climate Impact Full Disclosure

A new approach:

Thirty-three years ago, Seventh Generation was founded on a fairly radical notion: that corporations could be a powerful force for positive change and play an important role in securing a just and sustainable world.

As the climate crisis continues to accelerate, we wonder... could we have missed something? The answer is yes. Now we're taking a new route to progress: follow our money.

  • "Money is the oxygen on which global warming burns."
    Bill McKibben
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Seventh Generation Our Climate Impacts: Footprints Icons

First, Our Climate Impacts: Footprint

We understand that the urgency of the climate crisis requires ambitious, science-based action from actors across the business, political, and community spectrum. In response we joined leading companies in setting aggressive goals to mitigate GHGs.

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Emissions Graph

Seventh Generation Fingerprint Icon

Now, Our Climate Impacts Fingerprint

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Divider - Grounding Tab Reverse

As you travel through your day, consider how many places you leave your fingerprint - on the door to your house, on your computer, on the coffee mug you used at your local bakery. Your fingerprint is likely not the only fingerprint on these items, but it is a mark of your impact. We envision our climate "fingerprint" similarly. This is a new concept. It is not as finely honed as a 'carbon footprint', which has a technical definition and accepted methodologies for assessing. Yet, we can't get to real zero unless we understand all the ways our business contributes to the climate crisis - both positively and negatively.

Our Climate Fingerprint Methodology

Seventh Generation Climate Impact - Icons - Methodology

Climate Fingerprints is a new concept that analyzes how our business operations dollars may indirectly support the fossil fuel industry.

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Circular Fingerprint Illustration

Evaluating our Fingerprint

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We consulted experts working in this space and drew from their collective brainpower to create an evaluation methodology that includes quantitative and qualitative elements. Broadly, the approach includes spend and impact analysis of:

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Evaluating Fingerprint - Rally

• Financial services

• Marketing & creative services

• Advocacy

• Philanthropy

• Political Contributions

This is a first attempt and there will undoubtedly be things we've missed or better approaches. But we also know that we will no longer be complicit and amplify the voice and power of fossil fuel-related companies.

But we also know that we will no longer be complicit and amplify the voice and power of fossil fuel-related companies.

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Evaluating Fingerprint - Machines

For full Footprint, Fingerprint, and methodology, download the full report

2021 Climate Impact Report

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Our Fingerprint Highlights

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Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Financial Services Icon

Financial Service & Insurance Providers

At the highest level, all our financial partners are taking some climate action, but there is a lot of room for improvement.

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Financial Chart

Estimated CO2 emissions fingerprint

Using a methodology developed by the authors of the Carbon Bankroll Report, we estimated our portion of Unilever U.S. financed emissions.

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Emissions Callout

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Marketing & Creative Services

There is tremendous opportunity for building climate capacity and leadership in our marketing and creative services partner pool.

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Marketing Chart

  • "Advertising and PR agencies that have fossil fuel clients are misleading the public, and their greenwashing hurts both clean brands that are working hard for real change in their business and the global efforts to stop the climate emergency."
    Clean Creatives
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For full Footprint, Fingerprint, and methodology, download the full report

2021 Climate Impact Report

Seventh Generation Climate Impact Report - Climate Pledge