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August 13, 2019

What Makes You Generation Good?

Seventh Generation_What Makes You #GenerationGood?

Sometimes it feels like to make a real impact on the world, we have to do something BIG. But it’s the small acts of everyday goodness that add up to make a difference. The healthy choices made by ordinary people who are doing their best to nurture healthy families and look out for the planet. People who are taking the time to recycle and thinking about how much energy and water they use. People who are taking the time to share these sustainable values with their kids, creating a legacy of good that will only grow.  

People like YOU.

Our online community, Generation Good, is all about making healthy choices that benefit our families—and the collective good. It’s the shared belief that no matter where we live or how old we are, we’re all doing our best, and we’re all in this together. So, if you’re someone who’s doing small things every day to nurture your family and protect the planet, then you’re a part of something special that’s only growing. You already are #generationgood.

To celebrate all the good we see, we asked Generation Good members to describe the spirit of #generationgood, and their responses were full of wisdom, inspiration, and a commitment to a healthier future. Here are some of our favorites:

  • “Someone who is #generationgood is willing to learn and share their experiences and encourage others who need advice on a more natural lifestyle.”—Sarann S
  • “Paying attention to products and what’s in them.”—Arianna J
  • “Cooking healthy foods for their family.”—Cassandra C
  •  “Someone who is taking extra effort to think about the next generation and how they impact the world with the choices they make.”—Jane K
  • “Using sustainable, renewable, locally sourced if possible.”—Gina M
  • “Someone who cares what they put outside of their body and inside of their body.”—Inna R
  • “Offering helpful stories on how to do things more on your own, from planting, cooking or just raising children.”—Jane J
  • “I think of someone who gives back to the community.”—Jasmine M
  • “Reusing everything possible, and asking, ‘If I can't reuse this, can someone else?’”—Kelsey T
  • “Someone who is cognizant not only of the current generation but also of future generations by taking care of the environment.”—Ursula K
  • “By sharing our comments and relating to others we can ALL be #generationgood. I find so much wisdom in reading other members’ comments and gain knowledge through their experiences.”—Marilon L

When we look around, we see so many people who are caring, mindful, and committed to leaving the world a better place than they found it. There are so many ways to do good—and we celebrate them all. So, no matter how big or small your efforts, if you’re living and parenting for a healthy today and a healthier future for generation to come—you’re connected to good people everywhere. We’re glad you’re here.

Join us here as we all continue to grow #GenerationGood together.
YOU are #GenerationGood!
We're growing good together. What makes you #GenerationGood? Show us on Instagram!