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July 17, 2015

Summer Chore List for Kids

Child Drying Glass

Summer break for kids means more time at home – and with that comes more time to create messes and help with the cleanup! The time off is a great opportunity for getting children involved in helping around the house. Daily and weekly chores do more than just help with teaching responsibility – they can give kids a goal to work towards and offer a sense of accomplishment when their list is complete. Here’s some easy ways to get kids involved and fight summer-break boredom: 

  1. Help around the yard + garden. Weeding, watering & feeding plants are simple tasks that will get kids outdoors. Pest problem? Create an easy spray - free of harsh chemicals - by adding a few drops of dish soap and water to a spray bottle. 
  2. Learn about laundry. Little ones can help sort and fold clean laundry – older kids can start learning how to use the washing machine and dryer! 
  3. Make a grocery list. Let kids help plan meals and create a grocery list. Once they pick out a few meals, help them check the house for ingredients you may already have and write down those you’ll need. 
  4. Take out the trash. Empty waste, recycling and compost bins and on collection days, have them bring containers to and from the curb. You can use disinfecting wipes or spray to clean the inside of the bin and kids can then add a new trash bag to the can. 
  5. Keep rooms tidy. Make their beds, organize toys and even help vacuum - with some parent supervision!
  6. Check the mail. Watch kids as they walk to the mailbox to check for mail – or bring mail out when a letter is ready to go. 
  7. Organize a problem area. Messy craft area? Help them get it clean & organized by creating storage solutions. Bins, labels and containers can all be used to keep the space tidy – and figuring out where everything should go is great way to have them problem solve. 
  8. Wash dishes. Loading and unloading the dishwasher may need some parental supervision, depending on cabinet heights. Have older kids load and unload, while younger kids can help scrub dishes clean with soap and warm water. 

When it comes to chores, what ways of getting them done have worked best for your family?