August 30, 2024

It's Election Season Again!

Map of USA covered in I Voted stickers

Elections are getting weirder.  Let’s focus on what matters.

As you’ve probably noticed, it’s an election year!  It seems like each election cycle gets a little noisier and more confusing.  So many perspectives, thoughts, and opinions coming at us from social media, the news, and even our own friends and families.  At the end of the day, elections should be pretty simple – they’re a way for each of us, as voters, to be heard, by casting a ballot for candidates that share our beliefs and values.  Elections are also incredibly important – the people we elect to public office have a dramatic impact on the world, and on our climate.

At Seventh Generation, we work tirelessly to create a healthier future for the next seven generations, and the ongoing climate crisis is at the top of our list of concerns. We know that the 2024 election is critical in the work for climate justice, because these elected officials will hold office during a crucial time, when we must take bold action to avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis. We believe that our elected officials should represent the needs and wants of people and the planet, not the fossil fuel industry.  

But elections aren’t just important to the issues we care about.  Safe, fair, and free elections are the foundation of our democracy.  And frankly, our elections, and the broader conversation around them, have gotten a little weird.  As election season heats up, we wanted to share some of our values, to help break through some of the noise.


Voting Rights

Throughout history, and continuing today, certain groups of people have faced unfair barriers to voting, particularly people of color.  Often the reasons given for creating these barriers are concerns about voter fraud.  But here’s the thing, study after study confirms that while voter fraud is practically non-existent, voter disenfranchisement (people being unfairly prevented from voting) happens all too often.

The United States has lower voter turnout than many other countries, which is why we continually speak up about the importance of voting and encourage voter turnout. We believe that the more people participating in civic society, in voting, in shaping our future, the better. That’s why the right to vote should be expansive and inclusive. When we come together, we can make real change.


Election Integrity

When it comes to voting, we know it’s not easy to stand in line, maybe for hours, on a Tuesday in November.  That’s why we support all methods of voting that have been proven to be safe, fair, and to increase voter participation.  That includes things like voting early or voting by mail.

We believe that elections are over when every vote has been counted.  That might be on Election Day, but it might be a few days later, particularly when a lot of people have voted by mail.

We also believe in a peaceful transfer of power.  Whether you’re happy with the election results or not, our democracy is more important than any one candidate.  Votes must be counted, and honored.


Healthy Civic Discourse

One of the great things about a healthy democracy is that it allows each of us to bring our unique perspectives to the table.  As we embrace our differences, we also embrace the right to peaceful protest as a way to express those differences, and we acknowledge the important role that peaceful protest has played in social movements throughout history, including today. Even when we disagree, however, we must do so without violence.  Political violence, in any form, is a threat to a free and fair democracy.

As you gear up to cast your vote, we hope you’re able to reflect on your own values, and the beliefs you want to see reflected in our political leaders.  If you haven’t already, make sure you have a plan to vote!  Check your voter registration status and get ready to vote for the climate in November.