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October 16, 2015

DIY Fall Candles with Essential Oils

Candles on Dresser

As stores line their aisles with fall-inspired décor, it's easy to get lost in the excitement and want to reach for those pumpkin, apple and cinnamon-scented candles. Those candles can be scented with a huge variety of fragrance ingredients. Some of these fragrance ingredients may be allergens, sensitizers, or chemicals like phthalates. Since fragrance ingredients are not required to be listed on the candle's label you have no way of knowing what you are using around you home and family. You can capture the scents of fall by using beeswax and essential oils to make your own candles at home! Fun idea: make a kitchen or bathroom candle to match your favorite Seventh Generation Hand Wash scent!

What You’ll Need 

  • Beeswax pellets (1lb will make two larger candles) 
  • Natural wicks 
  • 8 to 10 drops of orange, rosemary, cinnamon and clove essential oil (each) 
  • 2 candle containers (mason jars, tea cups or small bowls work great!) 
  • Glass bowl or tin can for melting wax 

If using a tin can for melting, place the can inside of a large pot filled halfway with water – if using a glass bowl, set the bowl on top of the pot and melt using a double boiler method. Be careful, and make sure there are no little helpers around for this project!

Melt wax down into a clear liquid, stirring occasionally. Once melted, add essential oils and stir. 

Dip the metal end of each wick into the wax and then press firmly into the bottom of your candle container. Hold opposite end of the wicks straight using wooden skewers. Fill with wax, leaving some room towards the top of the container. Let cool and solidify before using. It’s that easy!