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August 10, 2022

Back to School Tips from Seventh Generation Parents

Back To School Kids in line in a school hallway

Back to school is one of the busiest times of the year for parents who are already managing so much. From schedule planning to clothes shopping and extra laundry, we all need a little help to do our part to nurture our families and future generations to come.  

To give you a leg up this year, we asked our employee community about how they care for their family and the planet during busy back-to-school season. 


  • When packing lunches, lay out options: fruit, veggies, dairy. It empowers healthy choices, and they can put what they choose in their lunchbox themselves. 

  • Store enough plates, bowls, and plastic cups next to your dishwasher so your little helpers can easily help set the table or empty the dishwasher.  

  • Avoid morning outfit drama by having your child pick out clothes the night before.  


  • Back to school means back to sports and the need to wash more uniforms and supplies.  Using convenient products like our self-dosing EasyDose Laundry Detergent has helped. 

  • Weekly backpack disinfecting is a must to keep extra germs from getting into our home.  

  • Family bike rides and walks after dinner help us get in quality family time and exercise. 


  • Clear your schedule for the first couple of weeks. No afternoon/evening plans and quiet weekends. Back to school time takes a lot of energy. Everyone needs rest!  


  • My tip is to always have Multi-Surface Wipes readily available! I give the counters, table, booster seat and highchair a quick wipe down after every meal and snack. It helps me feel like I can stay on top of the ever-growing mountain of crumbs everywhere. 😊 


  • Mornings in our house are chaotic, so we do everything the night before. We make lunches, pack bags, pick out clothes. I will even make breakfast ahead of time. This gives us a few extra minutes to connect with the kids in the morning and not feel so rushed.  


  • Always prioritize a healthy breakfast for the fam (even if it's on the go)! 

  • With little kids in daycare, we get dirty clothes sent home daily. We keep Seventh Generation Stain Remover by the door so when we unpack our backpacks, we’re sure to pre-treat any playground or lunchtime stains before we toss things in the hamper.  


  • My family couldn’t live without Seventh Generation Baby Wipes. Even though our kids are out of diapers, they still somehow manage to get covered in dirt or sticky foods, so we always have the wipes within reach for a quick clean up!  


  • We play music in the morning while we are getting ready for school and work. It seems to make us non-morning birds a little happier and energized to start our busy days.  


  • To save money, and reduce waste, I connect with other families to see about swapping lightly used backpacks and school clothes. It’s a fun way to pay it forward and freshen up my kids’ wardrobes, while also showing that it’s fun to re-use and recycle! 

We hope these tips, and our plant-based detergents and cleaners made safe for your family, help you get a leg up on back-to-school prep.